Rayleigh wave dispersion in the Pacific Ocean for the period range 20 to 140 seconds

Rayleigh wave data obtained from Columbia long-period seismographs installed during the International Geophysical Year (I.G.Y.) at Honolulu, Hawaii; Suva, Fiji; and Mt. Tsukuba, Japan, are analyzed to determine group and phase velocities in the Pacific for the period range 20 to 140 seconds. Group velocities are determined by usual techniques (Ewing and Press, 1952, p. 377). Phase velocities are determined by assuming the initial phase to be independent of period and choosing the initial phase so that the phase velocity curve agrees in the long period range with the phase velocity curve of the mantle Rayleigh wave given by Brune (1961). Correlations of wave trains between the stations Honolulu and Mt. Tsukuba are used to obtain phase velocity values independent of initial phase. The group velocity rises from 3.5 km/sec at a period of about 20 see to a maximum of 4.0 km/sec at a period of about 40 sec and then decreases to 3.65 km/sec at a period of about 140 sec. Phase velocity is nearly constant in the period range 30–75 sec with a value slightly greater than 4.0 km/sec. Most of the phase velocity curves indicate a maximum and a minimum at periods of approximately 30 and 50 sec respectively. At longer periods the phase velocities increase to 4.18 km/sec at a period of 120 sec. Except across the Melanesian-New Zealand region, dispersion curves for paths of Rayleigh waves throughout the Pacific basin proper are rather uniform and agree fairly well with theoretical dispersion curves for models with a normal oceanic crust and a low velocity channel. Both phase and group velocities are comparatively lower for the paths of Rayleigh waves across the Melanesian-New Zealand region, suggesting a thicker crustal layer and/or lower crustal velocities in this region.

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