Agent in Ak Leukemic Tissues, Not Sedimented at 105,000 g, Causing Neoplastic and Non-neoplastic Lesions.

Supernatant fluid obtained from 105,000 G centri-fugation of tissue obtained from transplanted Ak leukemias resulted in development of a multiplicity of tumors and non-neoplastic changes in diverse organs of 87.5% of AkR mice that had been injected shortly after birth. None were seen in controls. A triad of changes occurred almost invariably salivary gland tumors, reticulum cell sarcomas of the thymus, and adenomatoid pre-tumorous changes in the tubules of the renal cortex. Leukemias were less frequent than among controls. The 105,000 G supernatant fluid contained 30 [mu]/ml DNA and 295 [mu]/ml RNA. These findings and those of others suggest that the lesions described here are caused by a pluripotent agent (P virus) which is distinct from that which causes leukemia (L virus).