Clinical Study of Phlebitis Migrans and Incompetence of the Leg's Superficial Vein in Buerger Disease

Three of four (75%) vein biopsy samples from four patients (all male, mean onset: age 33.0, mean biopsy: age 59.7) of chronic phase phlebitis migrans showed positive periodontal bacteria DNA under the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. Of the 24 cases of Buerger disease (22 males, 2 females, mean onset: age 31.9, mean examination: age 62.6) that were investigated in our vascular laboratory, 65% of the patients suffered from moderate to severe varicose veins. Eight cases had a history of phlebitis migrans and three had an active ulcer or uncontrollable erosion in the foot. The rate of incidence was significantly higher than that of the well-matched control group. Other findings included one instance of deep vein thrombosis, and one instance of deep vein reflux. We could suggest that some intractable ulcer or erosion cases of Buerger disease may be complicated by superficial vein incompetence or other deep vein insufficiency. We also we need to check Buerger disease patients with duplex for vein reflux and other insufficiencies. Treatment of the varicose veins (including elastic stockings) was effective for all of the patients. (English Translation of Jpn J Phlebology 2011; 22: 25-31.).