This report describes intraocular aspergillosis in an eight-week-old premature infant with cytomegalic inclusion disease. Both eyes were infected during terminal hematogenous spread of the fungus. The role of fungi as pathogens in ocular infections is becoming more widely recognized. Most infections are exogenous, secondary to trauma or surgery. However, infection from within does occur with the same grave prognosis. Cogan1 reviewed the literature on endogenous ocular mycoses and added a case of vitreous abscess due presumably to aspergillus. Harley and Mishler,2 nine years later, reported a similar case in which histology suggested aspergillus. Neither case gave a history of antecedent trauma, surgery, or systemic illness. Summary of Case History. —An eight-week-old white female, was the product of a spontaneous, uncomplicated delivery at seven months of gestation. Birth weight was 2.2 kg (4 lb, 13 oz). The postnatal period was unremarkable except for a brief episode of blood in