Histories obtained by two-stage questionnaire with automated transcript in specialist gynaecological practice.

A two-stage questionnaire which the patient completes at home has been developed for use by gynaecological outpatients. The first stage (root) identifies the patient's problem and obtains general background information. The second stage (branch) deals with the presenting problem in depth. The system has proved highly acceptable to patients. At the clinic a non-medical assistant uses a programmed typewriter to transcribe the data into a typewritten history which is handed to the doctor before he examines the patient. The transcript compares favourably with the conventional hand-written history in content, ease of assimilation, and cost. While the questionnaire itself is an excellent means of collecting information it becomes an efficient means of transmitting information to the clinician only when combined with the transcript facility. There is no storage of confidential information and no scope for unethical disclosure.