Detailed studies of a group of strains, the 752/52 group, which was previously believed to belong to Moraxella nonlique-faciens show that these strains constitute a distinct entity deserving the status of a species. It is distinguishable from M. nonlique-faciens and M. osloensis as well as from a number of other strains of Moraxella or Moraxella-like organisms by strong urease activity and by deamination of phenylalanine and of tryptophan. It is practically incompatible with the two former species in streptomycin-resistance transformation. Among a large number of other strains tested for ability to deaminate phenylalanine and tryptophan, the strain 1078/55, described by Flamm in 1957 under the name Moraxella polymorpha, was exceptional in giving positive results. This strain was found to agree with the 752/52 group in all characters studied except urease production, and it is believed that this strain must be considered to belong to the same species. It is suggested that the epithet polymorpha in the combination Moraxella polymorpha will cause confusion, is illegitimate, and that the epithet should be rejected. It is proposed to rename the species Moraxella phenylpyrouvica. Since the first strain to be described, strain 1078/55, differs from the others in failing to split urea, it is suggested that a urease positive strain, 2863, should be designated the neotype strain of this species. The following two questions are referred to the Judicial Commission for Opinions.