Fatal Malformations in Jamaica

Babies with major malformations were identified during the Jamaica Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality Survey. They were found in 96 (8.6%) of 1112 perinatal and neonatal deaths coming to necropsy and in 28 (2.6%) of 1085 no so examined. The central nervous system was most commonly affected, followed by the renal, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular systems in decreasing order of frequency. Many infants had abnormalities in more than one system and 10 malformation syndromes/sequences were identified. Although at the present time, major malformations make only a small contribution to perinatal and neonatal mortality in Jamaica, their importance will increase when deaths from other causes, such as birth asphyxia, decline. The type of malformation currently fatal in a particular population is relevant when planning diagnostic and surgical services for neonates and infants. It is also important to any discussions about provision of prenatal diagnostic services.