Cross sections relevant to gamma-ray astronomy: Proton induced reactions

Gamma-ray production cross sections have been measured for the gamma-ray lines most strongly excited in the proton bombardment of C12, N14, O16, Ne20, Mg24, Si28, and Fe56, for proton energies from threshold to 23 MeV. In addition, cross sections for the N14(p,n)O14 and Fe56(p,n)Co56 reactions were determined from delayed gamma-ray yields. Ge(Li) detectors were used. Tabulations of cross sections averaged over proton energy bins of 1 MeV and over power law distributions in proton energy are provided for calculations relevant to gamma-ray line astronomy. Examples are given of astrophysical information which might be extracted from spectra acquired with gamma-ray spectrometers in space, using these cross sections, e.g., parameters describing the energy distribution of incident protons.