Human Infection with Herpes Zoster: Etiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Clinical Course, and Treatment

Herpes zoster is a cutaneous vesicular eruption resulting from recrudescence of the chickenpox virus. It is mainly a disease of adults, with a predisposition for the elderly or immunocompromised. Although usually localized, the disease can disseminate to visceral organs. Diagnosis is often made based on the characteristic pattern of the lesion and clinical features. Tzanck smear, viral isolation, seroconversion, antibody titers, and monoclonal antibodies may further aid or confirm the diagnosis. Clinical features of herpes zoster may follow a progression through 3 stages, prodromal, acute, and chronic. The prodromal and acute phases seldom require more than symptomatic management. The chronic pain syndrome, postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), demands a more aggressive approach. Pharmacologic intervention, neuroaugmentation, and/or surgery may prevent or alleviate PHN, but universal response to any of these therapeutic approaches is unlikely. Tricyclic antidepressants remain the first choice in treating this pain syndrome. A trial of antiviral therapy may be warranted in patients with disseminated disease or in immunocompromised patients with localized disease. Of the antiviral agents, acyclovir is considered the drug of choice by most clinicians.

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