Theory of resonant degenerate four-wave mixing with broad-bandwidth lasers

The effects of finite laser bandwidth on resonant degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) are calculated with use of a model in which the intense, counterpropagating pump beams are characterized by a chaotic field, the probe beam is weak and monochromatic, and the medium consists of a gas of two-level atoms. We present a steady-state solution in the limit where the pump-laser bandwidth exceeds all other atomic relaxation rates. Although the mean intensity due to the fluctuating fields is spatially independent (no steady-state standing-wave pattern is established), the analytic results indicate that, for intensities above the saturation intensity Isat, spatially periodic saturation effects are important. Increasing bandwidth is shown to lead to an increase in the effective saturation intensity resulting in lower phase-conjugate reflectivity for IIsat than for coherent pump fields, in contrast to the results for narrow-bandwidth chaotic fields. The resonant DFWM line shape is also calculated and compared to the coherent result. We comment on the application of the model to other four-wave-mixing processes employing broad-bandwidth lasers.