Expressed Sequence Tags from Poplar Wood Tissues ‐ A Comparative Analysis from Multiple Libraries

Xylogenesis involves successive developmental processes--cambial division, cell expansion and differentiation, cell death--each occurring along a gradient from the cambium to the pith of the stem. Taking advantage of the high level of organisation of wood tissues, we isolated cambial zone (CZ), differentiating xylem (DX) and mature xylem (MX) from both tension wood (TW) and opposite wood (OW) of bent poplars. Four different cDNA libraries were then constructed and used to generate 10,062 EST, reflecting the genes expressed in the different wood tissues. For the most abundant clusters, the EST distributions were compared between libraries in order to identify genes specific or over-represented at some specific developmental stages. They clearly showed a developmental shift between CZ and DX, whereas there is a continuity of development between DX and MX. CZ was mainly characterized by clusters of genes involved in cell cycle, protein synthesis and fate. Interestingly, two clusters with no assigned function were found specific to the cambial zone. In DX and MX, clusters were mostly involved in methylation of lignin precursors and microtubule cytoskeleton. In addition, in DX, EST from TW and OW were compared: five clusters of arabinogalactan proteins, one for sucrose synthase and one for fructokinase were specific or over-represented in TW. Moreover, a putative transcription factor and a cluster of unknown function were also identified in DX-TW. The informative comparison of multiple libraries prepared from wood tissues led to the identification of genes--some with still unknown functions--putatively involved in xylogenesis and tension wood formation.