Use of the Dione Drugs (Propazone, Tridione, Paradione, Dimedione and Malidone) in the Treatment of Epilepsy of Children

THE derivatives of oxazolidine-2–4-dione have long been known, but it was not until 1941,1 to our knowledge, that the first dione drug (Propazone) was administered to epileptic patients. Since that time four additional dione drugs (Tridione, Paradione, Dimedione and Malidone) have been synthesized and employed in the treatment of epilepsy.The purpose of this paper is to present our results, along with those of others, with the use of these five dione drugs in the treatment of childhood epilepsy.In discussing the efficacy of these drugs in the different types of epilepsy, it is necessary to present our distinction between . . .