The Ultrastructure of Spores (Protozoa: Microsporida) from Lophius americanus, the Angler Fish1

Spinal and cranial ganglia of American angler fish, Lophius americanus, are often infected with microsporidia. This protozoon elicits the formation of large, spore‐filled, hypertrophied host cells, cysts. Previous reports of microsporidia in European lophiids identify the parasite as Spraguea lophii, a genus which has recently been shown to be dimorphic. The spores from L. americanus are monomorphic (2.8 × 1.5 μm) and uninucleate. Each spore contains a polar tube that forms six to nine coils. Spraguea lophii differs from the microsporidium described in L. americanus in several ways. Spraguea lophii has two spore types: a large spore (4.0 × 1.25 μm) containing a diplokaryon and three to four polar tube coils and a smaller uninucleate spore (3.5 × 1.5 μm) with five to six polar tube coils. Because of these major differences, the microsporidium from L. americanus is removed from the genus Spraguea and returned to its original genus, Glugea, as a new species, G. americanus n. sp. Other ultrastructural characteristics of G. americanus are included: the posterior vacuole encloses two distinct membranous structures; one is tubular and resembles a “glomerular tuft” and the second is lamellar and composed of concentric membrane whorls, additionally, the straight or manubroid portion of the polar tube proceeds beyond the posterior vacuole before it turns anteriorly and begins to coil.