The Staining of Brunner's Gland and Other Neutral Mucins by Carmine, Hematoxylin and Orcein in Alkaline Solutions

Brunner's glands and other neutral mucins may be stained red, brownish red, and violet, respectively, by carmine, hematoxylin, and orcein from appropriate alkaline solutions. Carmine and hematoxylin in concentrations of 0.2-1% are dissolved in 60-70% alcohol containing 1% potassium carbonate; orein is used in a 0.2% alcoholic solution of sodium hydroxide. Staining times are 15 to 30 minutes. The stained sections are rinsed in 95% or absolute alcohol prior to xylene and mounting. The staining of these mucins is blocked by mild bromine oxidation. By using alcian blue 0.1% in 3% acetic acid for 5 minutes prior to the above stains, mucins may be characterized in the same preparation as acid, neutral or mixed.