Utilization of Nucleoside Diphosphate Glucoses in Developing Cotton Fibers

The capacity for biosynthesis of hot alkali-insoluble products using uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucose and guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-glucose as substrate has been studied in isolated cotton fibers harvested at various stages of development following anthesis. During the period of rapid elongation and primary wall synthesis (7-14 days postanthesis), incorporation of radioactivity from GDP-14C-glucose into hot alkali-insoluble product is high. This activity gradually declines and is not demonstrated in older fibers undergoing active deposition of secondary wall. With respect to all characteristics examined, the product from GDP-glucose resembles cellulose. Incorporation of UDP-14C-glucose into hot alkali-insoluble product was low in young fibers but increased to high levels in older fibers. This product was shown to be soluble in chloroform-methanol, and when chromatographed in lipid solvents it was separated into three components. Activity for the production of two of these three presumed glucolipids increased with increasing age of fibers.