Some observations on the epidemiology of cancer of the breast in women of Western India

The incidence rate for cancer of the breast is comparatively low in India. Cancer of the cervix is more common than cancer of the breast amongst Indian women. Wide variations in the frequency of cancer of the breast have been observed amongst the religious communities of Western India. Compared to other communities, Sindhis (Hindus from Sind) and Parsis (Zoroastrians) have a higher frequency rate for cancer of the breast. It was felt that the prevalence of certain suspected factors may be partly responsible for such variations. Case control studies demonstrated that the role of certain “high risk factors”, especially those related to marriage and pregnancy, could be different in different age groups, and an intensive search for more factors and their significance in different populations and age groups is necessary. The factor or factors which can be used effectively for a public health programme for the prevention of this disease are yet to be demonstrated.