Sensitivity of Beauveria bassiana to Selected Herbicides

Oryzalin was the only one of 21 herbicides that caused no significant inhibition of in vitro germination and growth of the entomogenous fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin. Twelve of the herbicides significantly inhibited germination and growth at the lowest concentration tested (6 mg [AI]/ml). Others caused significant inhibition at higher concentrations. Diuron, pronamide, simazine, and terbacil inhibited germination but either did not affect or only moderately inhibited mycelial growth, thus indicating possible fungistatic rather than fungicidal activity. Mortality due to B. bassiana was significantly reduced when Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) larvae were exposed to conidia + soil treated with either alachlor or oryzalin. Numbers of viable colony-forming units extracted from the conidia + soil treatments were significantly reduced by the alachlor application but not by oryzalin.