Carrageenans are hydrocolloids in the rubbery state at standard conditions. They are useful excipients for controlled-release tablets. Three carrageenans, two κ-carrageenans (Gelcarin® GP-812 NF and GP-911 NF) and one ι-carrageenan (Gelcarin GP-379 NF), are analyzed regarding their release behavior in combination with sorption, swelling, and rheology. The l-carrageenan has a higher substitution by sulfate groups. The κ-carrageenan Gelcarin GP-812 NF contains a small amount of potassium chloride left over from processing. Water sorption of the pure materials was studied gravimetrically, and the rheology of different solutions (2% and 5% w/w) was studied by cup-cylinder rotation viscosimetry. Swelling was determined as the vertical expansion of the tablets with a specially designed swelling apparatus. Drug release from the tablets was performed by the USP paddle method for 8 hr. The data indicate that drug release increases when water sorption and swelling extent decrease and as viscosity increases. The ord...