Effect of Stress on the Trigonal Splittings of d3 Ions in Sapphire (α-Al2O3)

We have measured the effect of uniaxial stress on the trigonal splittings of the ground (A24) state and the first excited (E2) state of the (3d)3 ions V2+, Cr3+, and Mn4+ in Al2 O3. We find that compression along the c axis alters the ground-state splitting 2D by an amount which is almost independent of the ionic charge. The effect on the excited-state splitting Λ, on the other hand, varies markedly through the isoelectronic sequence, changing sign on going from Cr3+ to Mn4+. Previous work by Macfarlane has shown that Λ depends primarily on the diagonal trigonal field parameter v, while 2D depends primarily on the off-diagonal parameter v. We tentatively suggest that our data show that in Al2 O3, v depends predominantly on long-range interactions, while v depends more on the immediate environment of the chromophoric ion. Data are also given concerning the effect on the E2 splitting of stress perpendicular to the c axis, and concerning the shift of the E2 level as a whole under stress.