Magnetic phase diagram of Nd(Fe,Mo)12 alloys

The magnetic phase diagram of the alloy series NdFe12−xMox (x=1.0∼2.5) is obtained. Below the Curie temperature, the ferromagnetic phase is divided into three regions: Uniaxial, canted 1, and canted 2. At a temperature of Tsr1 (below 200 K) a spin reorientation transition (SRT) was observed for all the samples, and at Tsr2 (above 200 K) another SRT was found for samples with Mo concentration 1.5<x12−xMox changes from the c axis to a canted structure with increasing Mo concentration, with a critical composition of x=1.56. At low temperatures (below 100 K) all NdFe12−xMox compounds exhibit a canted moment structure.