Acute Effects of Angiotensin II on Renal Haemodynamics and Excretion in Conscious Dogs

The effects of a 60-min intravenous infusion of angiotensin II (A II; 4 or 20 ng A II/min/kg body weight) on renal blood flow (RBF; electromagnetic flow transducer, control value 19-25 ml/min/kg), glomerular filtration rate (GFR; control value 4.2–5.0 ml/min/kg), mean arterial blood pressure, sodium excretion, water excretion, and plasma AII and plasma aldoste-rone concentrations were examined in 6 chronically instrumented female conscious beagle dogs kept on three different dietary sodium intakes (SI): SI 0.5 or SI 2.5 mmol Na/kg/day or SI 4.5 mmol Na/kg/day plus an oral saline load prior to the experiment SI 4.5(+) dogs. Four nanograms A II decreased RBF and GFR in SI 4.5(+) dogs without changing the filtration fraction (FF%); in SI 0.5 dogs the RBF decreased, and the FF% increased. Twenty nanograms A II decreased RBF and increased FF% in all dietary protocols, less in SI 4.5(+) dogs. The mean arterial blood pressure increased in all dietary protocols by 10-15 mm Hg (4 ng A II) and 32-37 mm Hg (20 ng A II). Sodium and water excretions decreased by 32 and 46% respectively, in SI 4.5(+) dogs at both doses of A II. The plasma aldosterone concentration increased in all but one protocol: 4 ng A II, SI 4.5(+) dogs. It is concluded that when A II plasma concentrations are most likely borderline to pathophysiological conditions (up to an average of 370 pg/ml), the GFR is less decreased than the RBF. This phenomenon also can be observed at lower plasma AII concentrations (average 200 pg/ml), when the renin-angiotensin system had been previously moderately activated.