Identification of fish echoes located at 65 km range by shore-based sonar

In June 1967. the Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft. cooperated with the Admiralty Research Laboratory to identify fish detected by the long-range correlation sonar equipment installed at the Admiralty Experimental Station. Perranporth. The RV “Corella” was directed from the shore station to an area some 65 km distant, which was returning a strong and extended echo. The “Corella” was able to correlate this target with shoals detected on a conventional echo sounder, and substantial catches of sprats ( Sprattus sprattus L.) were taken in the area using a midwater trawl. Comparison is made of the behaviour of the shoals at dusk and dawn as observed by echo sounder and by long-range sonar. The movement of the target over a six-day period agreed well with that expected from tidal movement.

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