Compact contracted basis sets for third‐row atoms: Ga–Kr

The (14s11p5d) primitive basis set of Dunning for the third‐row main group atoms Ga‐Kr has been contracted [6s4p1d]. The core functions have been relatively highly contracted while those which represent the valence region have been left uncontracted to maintain flexibility. Calculations with the [6s4p1d] contraction are reported for a variety of molecules involving third‐row atoms. This basis set is found to satisfactorily reproduce experimental properties such as geometric configurations, dipole moments, and vibrational frequencies for a range of molecules. Comparisons are made with the performance of the uncontracted basis set. Polarization functions for the contracted basis set are reported and performance of the basis set with and without polarization functions is examined. A relaxation of the [6s4p1d] contraction to [9s6p2d] for higher level evergy calculations is also presented.