The renal clearances of uric acid, creatinine, and hippurate were detd. in the cT albino rat. The creatinine clearance was 34.3 ml./hr./lOO gs. of body wt. The uric acid clearance was 10.70 ml./hr. and the hippurate clearance was 138 ml./ hr./l00 gs. of body wt. The admn. of glycine by stomach tube did not change either the creatinine or hippurate clearance but did increase the uric acid clearance to 14.5 ml./hr. Blood uric acid did not change. Rats were nephrectomized and the blood uric acid cone, was detd. 24 and 48 hrs. after nephrectomy. There was no significant increase in blood uric acid. In rats nephrectomized and fed glycine, there was likewise no significant increase in blood uric acid. On the basis of the above results, it was concluded that glycine does not increase the production of uric acid but rather it increases its urinary excretion by inhibiting its tubular reabsorption. Glycine fed to 2 human subjects increased the uric acid clearance 47% with no change in creatinine clearance.

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