The Utilization of Pantethine as Compared to Calcium Pantothenate by the Chick

Pantethine was compared with calcium pantothenate in chick growth assays by three methods of administration: incorporation in the diet, by mouth, and intraperitoneal injection. Pantethine when incorporated in the diet was found to be at least 90% as active in promoting chick growth as calcium pantothenate based on the equivalent pantothenic acid content. The relative potency of pantethine administered by pipette was similar to that found when the compound was incorporated in the diet if the dosages administered were relatively small. However, at higher dosage levels, pantethine was considerably inferior to calcium pantothenate. Pantethine was equally as active in promoting growth as calcium pantothenate when injected. Pantetheine or its mercury mercaptide were as active as pantethine when administered by mouth or intraperitoneally.

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