One-stage Phalloplasty in Transsexuals

Until now, phalloplasty in transsexuals has been done with cutaneous and musculocutaneous flaps from the abdomen or the thigh in multiple procedures over a long period. We report a one-stage phalloplasty in female transsexuals with a modified Chinese forearm flap, including the cutaneous nerves anastomosed to the genital branches of the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves and the perineal branches of the pudendal nerve to obtain true genital sensibility. Immediate hysterectomy and vaginal closure are performed, providing vaginal skin to complete the neoscrotum built up with the labia and to cover the glans. A vaginal flap draped around the catheter provides the urethra, which is stripped through the dermal tube of the forearm flap acting as a corpus spongiosum. Autogenous costal cartilage is used as a stent for reinforcement, substituting for the corpora cavernosa. The donor forearm area is covered with split skin.

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