Studies on the biotin-binding sites of avidin and streptavidin. A chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization investigation of the status of tyrosine residues

We applied the protein photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-c.i.d.n.p.) method to explore the conformation of the side chain of tyrosine, and histidine residues in three biotin-binding proteins. The c.i.d.n.p. spectra of avidin, streptavidin and ''core'' streptavidin were compared with those of their complexes with biotin and its derivatives. The data indicate that the single tyrosine residue (Tyr-33) of avidin is clearly inaccessible to the triplet flavin photo-c.i.d.n.p. probe. The same holds for all tryptophan and histidine side chains. Although the analogous Tyr-43 residue of streptavidin is also buried, at least three of the other tyrosine residues of this protein are exposed. The same conclusions apply to the truncated form of the protein, core streptavidin. As judged by the photo-c.i.d.n.p. results, complexing of avidin and streptavidin with biotin, N-.epsilon.-biotinyl-L-lysine (biocytin) or biotinyltyrosine has little or no effect on tyrosine accessibility in these proteins. Biotinyltyrosine can be used to probe the depth of the corresponding binding site. The accessibility of the tyrosine side chain of biotinyltyrosine in the complex demonstrates the exquisite fit of the biotin-binding cleft of avidin: only the biotin moiety apears to be accommodated, leaving the tyrosine side chain exposed.