The disposition of cadmium and zinc inPandalus montagui

Cadmium uptake rates in various tissues ofPandalus montagui exposed to sea water containing 37 μgCd/L for 14 days ranged from 0.002–0.06 μg/g dry tissue/hr. During depuration for 57 days, the levels in most tissues decreased slightly, but continued to rise in the hepatopancreas indicating Cd redistribution. Exposure to 65 μg Zn/L produced no substantial change in Zn content of the tissues. An increase occurred in eggs and hepatopancreas during the first six days of depuration. During exposure to Cd and Zn combined (40 μg Cd/L + 70 μg Zn/L), tissue Zn levels responded as with Zn alone. In the presence of Zn, Cd concentration was doubled in the hepatopancreas, depressed by one-third in the carcass, and did not change in the other tissues. Increased amounts of Zn (up to 410 μg Zn/L) had no effect on the Cd levels of the tissues except that the Cd level in the hepatopancreas was depressed, although the level was still greater than in the case of exposure to Cd alone. The possible role of metallothionein is discussed.