A consistent set of neutron kerma coefficients from thermal to 150 MeV for biologically important materials

Neutron cross sections for nonelastic and elastic reactions on a range of elements have been evaluated for incident energies up to 150 MeV. These cross sections agree well with experimental cross section data for charged‐particle production as well as neutron and photon production. Therefore they can be used to determine kerma coefficients for calculations of energy deposition by neutrons in matter. Methods used to evaluate the neutron cross sections above 20 MeV, using nuclear model calculations and experimental data, are described. Below 20 MeV, the evaluated cross sections from the ENDF/B‐VI library are adopted. Comparisons are shown between the evaluated charged‐particle production cross sections and measured data. Kerma coefficients are derived from the neutron cross sections, for major isotopes of H, C, N, O, Al, Si, P, Ca, Fe, Cu, W, Pb, and for ICRU‐muscle, A‐150 tissue‐equivalent plastic, and other compounds important for treatment planning and dosimetry. Numerous comparisons are made between our kerma coefficients and experimental kerma coefficient data, to validate our results, and agreement is found to be good. An important quantity in neutron dosimetry is the kerma coefficient ratio of ICRU‐muscle to A‐150 plastic. When this ratio is calculated from our kerma coefficient data, and averaged over the neutron energy spectra for higher‐energy clinical therapy beams [three beams, and a beam], a value of is obtained. Kerma ratios for water to A‐150 plastic, and carbon to oxygen, are also compared with measurements where available.
Funding Information
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory