Scalp Potentials Evoked by Amplitude-Modulated Tones in Dyslexia

We recorded the far-field EEG potential evoked by amplitude modulation of acoustic stimuli (the amplitude modulation following response, AMFR) in adults with developmental dyslexia and in a matched control group of adults with no history of reading problems. The mean AMFR recorded from participants with dyslexia was significantly smaller than that recorded from members of the control group. In contrast, the amplitude of the click-evoked auditory brainstem response ABR) was not significantly different between participant groups. Also, there was no difference between participant groups in the latency of the AMFR or ABR. The reduced AMFR in listeners with dyslexia may reflect impaired ability of the auditory system to follow rapid changes in stimulus energy, a cue believed to be important in the perception of speech.