Emetine myopathy: Two case reports with pathobiochemical analysis

We report two female patients with a history of alcohol abuse presenting with proximal painful muscle weakness following aversion therapy with emetine hydrochloride. Muscle biopsy of Case 1 showed a reversible floccular‐shaped loss of myosin ATPase and dehydrogenase, and accumulation of PAS positive material, and a normal lipid content. Repeat biopsy showed core change with no focal loss of myosin ATPase. In Case 2, muscle biopsy was taken 1 month after commencement of emetine therapy and revealed similar but milder changes to Case 1. Electron microscopy revealed Z‐band streaming with a decrease or loss of mitochondria. Sarcotubular systems appeared normal in shape and size. Anaerobic glycolysis on homogenate from the initial biopsy of Case 1 showed generalized reduction of lactate formation, which returned to normal in the repeat biopsy.