Mercuric chloride induced autoimmune disease in Brown-Norway rats: sequential search for anti-basement membrane antibodies and circulating immune complexes

Mercuric chloride induces in the Brown-Norway rat a biphasic autoimmune disease characterized initially by linear IgG deposits along the glomerular basement membrane followed later by granular IgG deposition. In the present study, anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies and immune complex-like material were sequentially assessed in serial serum samples. Both were transiently found at the same period. Glomerular linear IgG deposits were present on day 11 but circulating anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies were only found later on day 16. Circulating immune complexes were first detectable on day 8 before the earliest granular IgG deposits were first observed in the spleen vessels on day 16. The disappearance of circulating anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies and of circulating immune complexes, although HgCl2 injections were pursued, is in agreement with the self-limited character of mercuric chloride induced autoimmune disease and suggests the induction of immunosuppressive mechanisms.