Fine mapping of a tumour suppressor candidate gene region in 1p36.2-3, commonly deleted in neuroblastomas and germ cell tumours

A common genetic feature of neuroblastomas, which is also an important prognostic factor, is deletion of chromosome region 1p. The deletion of 1p often involves a deletion of varying size, with a consensus region within the most distal bands 1p36.2-3. The neuroblastoma SRO (shortest region of overlap of (deletions) presented earlier by our group was defined distally by the cluster of loci D1S80/ D1Z2/CDC2L1 and proximally by loci D1S244, i.e., approximately 25 cM. The 1p deletions are, however, not restricted to neuroblastoma tumours. In fact, a large spectrum of tumour types display deletions to varying degrees of 1p. We have exploited the possibility of using deletions of other tumour types, preferentially that of germ cell tumours, and combining the deletions with that of the neuroblastoma SRO. Also in germ cell tumours, distal 1p-deletions have been shown to have prognostic significance. We found in our germ cell tumours a SRO ranging from D1S508 to D1S200. Interestingly, this region only partially overlapped (approximately 5 cm) with our neuroblastoma SRO in region D1S508 to D1S244. We have thus focused on analysing this smaller region in the search for genes involved in the genesis of different cancers. We have performed radiation hybrid mapping of a large number of markers, STSs, ESTs, and others known to reside in 1p. We have also initiated the development of a BAC contig of the region. FISH, and fibre-FISH mapping of BACs were also performed. The data presented here constitute an ongoing work with the aim of identifying and cloning gene(s) important for development of germ cell tumours, neuroblastomas, and possibly other tumours.