The narrow unreversed 123.58 nm resonance radiation of Kr was shown to excite exclusively the 13C16O AX (13,0) Q (13) transition. A broader reversed 123.58 nm Kr resonance radiation was shown to excite the 13C16O AX (13,0) P (11), Q (13), and R (15) transitions and the 12C18O AX (13,0) P (10), Q (11), and R (14) transitions. Excitation of the above transitions was verified by high resolution absorption measurements of the AX (13,0) band in the vacuum ultraviolet and resonance fluorescence measurements of the 13C16O and 12C18O AX (13,v) resonance progression in the 200–300 nm wavelength region. The 12C16O did not show any detectable fluorescence with either of the above excitation lines. This fortuitous isotopic selectivity favors photochemical enrichment of carbon‐13 and oxygen‐18, provided that the excited 13C16O and 12C18O can be effectively scavenged.