Treatment of idiopathic thrombocytic purpura in pregnancy by high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin

ITP in pregnancy may lead to fetal thrombocytopenia caused by the transplacental passage of maternal antiplatelet antibody. The most hazardous complication in the infant is intracranial hemorrhage. In addition ITP in pregnancy is reported to be associated with an increased abortion rate and an elevated fetal morbidity and mortality. Therefore obstetric management must aim at increasing maternal and fetal platelets. Severel therapeutic approaches to the treatment of ITP in pregnancy are evaluated. Two cases of ITP in pregnancy are reported. Administration of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin is introduced as a new therapy for ITP in pregnancy. The rapid reversal of thrombocytopenia following immunoglobulin G administration suggests that it is useful especially as emergency treatment for ITP in pregnancy.