Interaction of the maize and Arabidopsis kinase interaction domains with a subset of receptor‐like protein kinases: implications for transmembrane signaling in plants

Summary: The kinase interaction (KI) domain of kinase‐associated protein phosphatase (KAPP) interacts with the phosphorylated form of an Arabidopsis thaliana receptor‐like protein kinase (RLK). The KI domain may recruit KAPP into an RLK‐initiated signaling complex. To examine additional roles that this domain may play in plant signal transduction, a search was conducted for other KI domain‐containing proteins. One gene was isolated which encodes a KI domain, the maize homolog of KAPP. To test whether the maize KI domain associates with other maize proteins, it was used as a probe in a protein–protein interaction cloning strategy. A new maize RLK, KI domain interacting kinase 1 (KIK1), was identified by its interaction with the maize KI domain. The maize KI domain and the KIK1 kinase domain association required phosphorylation of the kinase. This work establishes that the KI domain phosphorylation‐dependent signaling mechanism is present in both monocots and dicots. Additionally, it was determined that both the maize and Arabidopsis KI domains interact with several but not all of the active RLKs assayed. These multiple associations imply that KAPP may function in a number of RLK‐initiated signaling pathways.

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