The Erlangen micro-lightguide spectrophotometer EMPHO I

The Erlangen micro-lightguide spectrophotometer EMPHO I was designed for fast diffuse reflection (remission) spectrophotometry in small tissue volumes. The aim was to construct a compact, modular instrument with a high repetition rate which can be adapted to moving organs, e.g. the beating heart in situ, by the use of highly flexible micro-lightguides. Focusing problems, which cannot be solved when conventional optical devices such as microscopes are used in moving tissues, become negligible. A bandpass interference filter disk, which is rotated by a motor serves as a monochromating unit. One diffuse reflection spectrum in a selected wavelength domain is recorded during each revolution of the motor. Special filter disks, with spectral ranges of 400-520, 500-630, 600-1200 nm can be used for different tasks. The monochromated light is transmitted by means of a flexible fluid-lightguide to a photomultiplier tube. The electrical signal, which is proportional to the light intensity is recorded by an IBM-compatible AT. An analogue to digital converter has been developed for the AD conversion.