The energy cycle ϕ0+ϕ0+=ϕ00+V has been followed experimentally for tantalum. This involved a redetermination of the temperature scale with emissivity varying linearly from ελT=0.439 at T=1200 °K to ελT=0.384 at T=2400 °K for λ=0.669μ. Thermionic measurements of the electron work function and of the positive ion work function yielded, respectively, ϕ0=4.19ev and ϕ0+=10.0 ev, with an electron emission constant A*=55 amp. cm2 deg2. By a gain of weight method the work function of the neutral tantalum atom was found to be ϕ00=7.97 ev. The ionization potential of tantalum is not known but may be estimated to be about V=7.3 ev. These values fail to close the energy cycle by 1.1 ev which is believed to be outside the experimental uncertainty of the measurements.