Atrial Fibrillation and Anticoagulation in Patients with Permanent Pacemakers: Implications for Stroke Prevention

Several large prospective randomized trials have demonstrated that anticoagulation with warfarin reduces the risk of thromboembolic stroke in high risk patients with chronic AF by approximately 70%. Large numbers of patients with permanent pacemakers have AF, and anticoagulation rates in this population have not been described. In a prospective analysis of 110 consecutive patients attending the pacemaker clinic of a large university hospital, we assessed the number of patients with AF and the proportion of these patients who were receiving anticoagulation to prevent thromboembolic stroke. Where necessary, temporary pacemaker reprogramming to low ventricular rates was utilized to facilitate the diagnosis of AF. Fifty‐three of the 110 patients (48%) were diagnosed with AF, all of whom (100%) had accepted high risk factors for thromboembolic stroke. Only eight of the 53 (15%) had been anticoagulated with warfarin. Thirty‐six of the 53 patients (68%) diagnosed with AF had no prior documented diagnosis of chronic AF, and the majority had no symptoms suggesting AF. A single lead II ECG was insufficient in 67 of the 110 patients (61%) to diagnose the underlying atrial rhythm; the remainder required 12‐lead ECGs or temporary pacemaker reprogramming to low ventricular rates to diagnose the underlying atrial rhythm. AF is common in patients with permanent pacemakers. It is commonly asymptomatic, and anticoagulation is markedly underutilized in reducing stroke risk in these patients. Attention to the possibility of AF in paced patients should allow prompt diagnosis and allow both the initiation of anticoagulation in order to reduce thromboembolic stroke risk and consideration for cardioversion of AF to sinus rhythm.