Specific-heat analysis of rare-earth transition-metal borocarbides: An estimation of the electron-phonon coupling strength

We analyzed the superconducting and normal-state heat capacity of superconducting YNi2 B2C, LuNi2 B2C, LaPt1.5 Au0.5 B2C and the nonsuperconducting reference compounds LaNi2 B2C, YCo2 B2. The deviations of the thermodynamic ratios as ΔCTc, γTc2/Hc2(0), Hc(Tc)/TcHc(0), and Δ(0)/kB Tc from their BCS values give an estimate for the strong-coupling parameter Tc/ωln which is in the range of 0.06–0.1 and indicates that the phonon mediated superconductivity can be classified in the moderately strong-coupling limit. From the normal-state specific heat between 2 and 300 K we constructed model phonon spectra to determine the moments of the phonon density of states F(ω) and calculated the electron-phonon enhancement factor λ with the Allen and Dynes formula which yields λ values in the range of 0.95–1.15 for the three superconducting compounds. The comparison of these λ values with the electron mass enhancement derived from the ratio of the Sommerfeld parameter γ and the calculated density of states at the Fermi level, N(EF), shows that band structure calculations overestimate N(EF). Furthermore we determined the upper critical field Hc2(T) from specific-heat measurements up to 11 T and the normalized Ginzburg-Landau parameter k(T) which both show BCS-type behavior for LaPt1.5