Determination of the Branching Fraction forBXcνDecays and of|Vcb|from Hadronic-Mass and Lepton-Energy Moments

We determine the inclusive BXcν branching fraction, Bcν, the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcb|, and other heavy-quark parameters from a simultaneous fit to moments of the hadronic-mass and lepton-energy distributions in semileptonic B-meson decays, measured as a function of the lower limit on the lepton energy, using data recorded with the BABAR detector. Using heavy-quark expansions (HQEs) to order 1/mb3, we extract Bceν=(10.61±0.16exp±0.06HQE)% and |Vcb|=(41.4±0.4exp±0.4HQE±0.6th)×103. The stated errors refer to the experimental, HQE, and additional theoretical uncertainties.
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