Weak Quantization

Quantization is called weak when a motion apparently allowed by the equation pdq=nh, has less than the normal a-priori weight. It is believed that the deficiency in a-priori weight is taken over, either by neighboring classically allowed motions, or by neighboring strongly quantized motions when such are present in the region of the phase-space considered. Weak quantization is to be expected when uncertainties arise as to the period that should be used in determining the limits of the phase integral pdq. Several cases are considered; (a) when the period is so long that there is considerable chance of interruption by a quantum transition; (b) when a system has two apparent periods, a long true period T and a short quasi-period θ; (c) when the periodicity is disturbed frequently in a fortuitous manner as by molecular collisions. In case (b), the tendency towards quantization with respect to T may be gradually replaced by quantization with respect to θ as T is lengthened, and then the probability of quantum transitions which correspond to quantization with respect to T is weakened while that of transitions related to θ is strengthened. This suggests the possibility that the strengthening of the probability of transitions related to a period θ may be accompanied by a strengthening of quantization with respect to that period.