Preclinical antitumor activity of batracylin (NSC 320846)

Batracylin (NSC 320846, BAY H 2049), given ip on days 2 and 9 at a dose of 400 mg/kg, inhibited tumor growth completely in 80–100% of mice with early-stage colon adenocarcinoma 38. Therapeutic efficacy against this subcutaneously implanted tumor was retained upon oral administration of Batracylin although, compared to ip treatment, larger doses were required. Batracylin also caused regression of advanced (400 mg) colon 38 tumors. Only modest activity was observed for this compound against P388 leukemia, but P388 sublines with acquired resistance to either adriamycin or cisplatin demonstrated collateral sensitivity. Batracylin currently is undergoing toxicological evaluation by NCI prior to clinical trials.