Entanglement-area law for general bosonic harmonic lattice systems

We demonstrate that the entropy of entanglement and the distillable entanglement of regions with respect to the rest of a general harmonic-lattice system in the ground or a thermal state scale at most as the boundary area of the region. This area law is rigorously proven to hold true in noncritical harmonic-lattice systems of arbitrary spatial dimension, for general finite-ranged harmonic interactions, regions of arbitrary shape, and states of nonzero temperature. For nearest-neighbor interactions—corresponding to the Klein-Gordon case—upper and lower bounds to the degree of entanglement can be stated explicitly for arbitrarily shaped regions, generalizing the findings of Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 060503 (2005). These higher-dimensional analogs of the analysis of block entropies in the one-dimensional case show that under general conditions, one can expect an area law for the entanglement in noncritical harmonic many-body systems. The proofs make use of methods from entanglement theory, as well as of results on matrix functions of block-banded matrices. Disordered systems are also considered. We moreover construct a class of examples for which the two-point correlation length diverges, yet still an area law can be proven to hold. We finally consider the scaling of classical correlations in a classical harmonic system and relate it to a quantum lattice system with a modified interaction. We briefly comment on a general relationship between criticality and area laws for the entropy of entanglement.

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