Distribution and feeding records of the caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the Matamek River region, Quebec

Records of immature and mature stages of caddisflies found in lentic and lotic habitats or the Matamek River region of Quebec are presented. The species are related to their typical habitats and feeding preferences in this part of the boreal forest biome. Net-spinning families dominated the caddisfly fauna of the Matamek River and their populations were sustained primarily by plankton drifting out of Matamek Lake. Net spinners were rarer in the other two large rivers sampled and this is attributed to the lack of head water lakes together with low levels of suspended detritus. The small streams of the area are categorized into Neophylax, Chyranda, and Limnephilus types based on genera restricted to each: the members of these communities were primarily bottom foragers. Phryganeids dominated the four lakes studied, while the ponds contained only limnephilids.