Completely renormalized (CR) coupled-cluster (CC) approaches, such as CR-CCSD(T), in which one corrects the standard CC singles and doubles (CCSD) energy for the effects of triply (T) and other higher-than-doubly excited clusters [K. Kowalski and P. Piecuch, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 18 (2000)], are reformulated in terms of the left eigenstates Phimid R:L of the similarity-transformed Hamiltonian of CC theory. The resulting CR-CCSD(T)(L) or CR-CC(2,3) and other CR-CC(L) methods are derived from the new biorthogonal form of the method of moments of CC equations (MMCC) in which, in analogy to the original MMCC theory, one focuses on the noniterative corrections to standard CC energies that recover the exact, full configuration-interaction energies. One of the advantages of the biorthogonal MMCC theory, which will be further analyzed and extended to excited states in a separate paper, is a rigorous size extensivity of the basic ground-state CR-CC(L) approximations that result from it, which was slightly violated by the original CR-CCSD(T) and CR-CCSD(TQ) approaches. This includes the CR-CCSD(T)(L) or CR-CC(2,3) method discussed in this paper, in which one corrects the CCSD energy by the relatively inexpensive noniterative correction due to triples. Test calculations for bond breaking in HF, F(2), and H(2)O indicate that the noniterative CR-CCSD(T)(L) or CR-CC(2,3) approximation is very competitive with the standard CCSD(T) theory for nondegenerate closed-shell states, while being practically as accurate as the full CC approach with singles, doubles, and triples in the bond-breaking region. Calculations of the activation enthalpy for the thermal isomerizations of cyclopropane involving the trimethylene biradical as a transition state show that the noniterative CR-CCSD(T)(L) approximation is capable of providing activation enthalpies which perfectly agree with experiment.

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