The number of ribosomal RNA genes inThermus thermophilusHB8

We have examined the number of rRNA genes in Thermus thermophilus HB8 by hybridization of Bam HI -, Hind III - and Pst I - digests of DNA to 3'- (3 2p) 23S, 16S and 5S rRNAs according to the Southern procedure. The restriction gels gave two radioactive bands with 23S and 5S rRNA. Furthermore, band positions were indistinguishable from one another when 23S and 5S rRNAs were used as probes to Bam HI and Hind III digests, indicating that each band contains sequences corresponding to the 3'-end of 23S and 5S rRNAs. The Pst I digest also gave two radioactive bands with 23S and 5S rRNAs as probes, where one band position was identical, but the other different. The 16S rRNA did hybridize with two fragments, using a Bam HI, as well as a Bam HI - Hind III double digest. The Hind III digest gave one band using 16S rRNA as a probe. It is concluded that the Thermus thermophilus HB8 chromosome carries at least two sets of genes for 23S, 16S and 5S rRNAs.