Efficiency and productivity of a sheathed fiberoptic sigmoidoscope compared with a conventional sigmoidoscope

The aim of this study was to measure and compare time and productivity between a new sheathed flexible sigmoidoscope and a traditional fiberoptic flexible sigmoidoscope relative to labor and cost analysis. Two flexible sigmoidoscopes, the Vision Sciences sigmoidoscope using a protective sheath covering requiring removal and replacement between procedures and a conventional flexible sigmoidoscope requiring meticulous cleaning using a washer and high-level disinfection, were compared. Sigmoidoscope preparation was defined as the average time between the procedures (reprocessing, start to finish) and was measured by an independent nonmedical timekeeper JG). The parameter recorded was scope reprocessing time. Ten procedures were performed using the sheathed flexible sigmoidoscope system compared with nine using a conventional sigmoidoscope. Scope performance and endoscopic visualization for both systems were comparable. The average reprocessing time was 46.8 minutes for the conventional sigmoidoscope vs. 4.9 minutes for the sheathed sigmoidoscope (P < 0.0001). The average time saved was 9.5 times greater with the sheathed flexible sigmoidoscope system than with the conventional sigmoidoscope. The almost tenfold difference in the time saved using the sheathed flexible sigmoidoscope system represents increased productivity and potentially decreased overall labor cost. By reducing endoscope turnover time, this new sheathed system can reduce or even eliminate the need for backup endoscopes and endoscope washers and potentially allow better use of nursing staff.