A comparison of the feeding behaviour of E. abietinum on current year needles and previous year needles of P. sitchensis revealed that during the summer months the aphids preferentially settled on previous year needles, this response not being evident in winter. Aphids on current year needles in summer took a much longer period of time to commence sap uptake than in winter, intake ceasing following a very short feeding period. On previous year needles sap uptake in December commenced after a shorter feeding period than in June. Analysis of total and soluble nitrogen levels in Sitka spruce needles showed that current year needles had initially higher levels during shoot elongation in May and early June, but that previous year needles had higher levels for most of the remainder of the year. Quantitative analyses of amino acids revealed that in current year needles the levels were generally lower than in previous year needles. Less marked proportional differences were observed between previous year needles in May and in July/August when the needles were unsuitable. Addition of amino acids in solution into cut current year shoots resulted in increased longevity on shoots containing introduced iso-leucine, histidine and methionine and revealed a general imbalance of the amino acids.