The Effectiveness of Skin Care Protocols for Pressure Ulcers

Pressure ulcers (PU) remain a serious healthcare problem in the United States. This study investigated the effectiveness of a prevention and early intervention program in reducing the prevalence of pressure ulcers (i.e., the number or the percentage of persons with pressure ulcers at a given time) in a rehabilitation hospital. The Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk was used to assess subjects' PU risk. Protocols were established for PU stages consistent with the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel consensus statement on pressure ulcers. Staff were educated about PUs and the specific protocols for prevention and treatment. Concurrent quarterly prevalence audits on a total of 116 patients were conducted for 1 year. An audit also was done 16 months after protocols had been established. There was a 60% decrease in pressure ulcer prevalence from the 25% baseline to the 10% found at the audit following implementation of the protocols.